yProxy used to be free, but did so well they started charging for it.
I suggested that one because I understand how it interfaces and knew
that it should solve your specific problem.
I don't know how Fidolook works under the covers so I didn't know if it
would meet your needs.
Thanks for the feedback.
Mike -
"Clyde" wrote in message

Hello, Michael!
You wrote on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:52:29 -0700:
MS Another option is to use a decoder such as yProxy. It converts
MS yEnc to Uuencode as the message downloads before OE see it.. Then
MS decodes the Uuencode. You won't get the searching in the combined
MS message since OE will recognize it as an attachment rather than
MS text.
MS For some additional information, see yEnc section of:
MS Decoding Internet Attachments - A Tutorial
MS http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/decode.htm
MS --
MS Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
Thanks for your response and I book-marked your page. It's something I
can refer back to from time to time.
I looked at yProxy and it seems they want $15 for it (I'm on a low
budget). So I wound up downloading Fidolook. It's free and it works
really well.
MS "Clyde" wrote in message
MS . ..
?? "Kath Adams" wrote in message
?? ...
?? Clyde wrote:
?? After combining & decoding a file from a newsgroup (10 mb for
?? example), oe will start 'searching the text for hyperlinks'. If
?? don't save the file immediately, it gets more difficult the
?? into it's "search" it goes....
?? Is there a solution to this? Any help would be appreciated.
?? Try disabling the preview pane. Some have reported this helps.
?? --
?? Kath Adams
?? MS MVP - Windows (IE/OE)
?? I've done this a long time ago for general security reasons. Did
?? searching for the answer to this problem and it appears that one
?? answer is to wait for a version of OE that supports yEnc.
With best regards, Clyde. E-mail: