Receive only
CAM wrote:
I would like to be able to receive my e-mail without sending,
clicking the send/receive button does both actions. I found a "send
all" action, but is there a separate "receive all"?
Sure. You don't state your Outlook version, so the following assumes
Outlook 2003. Always state your Outlook version if you want an answer that
applies to you.
While viewing your Inbox, press ALT-CTRL-S. In the Send/Receive Groups
dialogue you'll get, click New. Enter a name live "Receive Only". Select
one of the accounts you see (the pane down the left side) and check the box
labeled "Include the selected account in this group". Uncheck the "Send
mail items" box. Do this for all the accounts you have. When you're
finished, click OK, then Close. When you want those accounts to receive,
click the small down-arrow just to the right of "Send/Receive" and choose
the group you created.
Brian Tillman