Microsoft Outlook bug with meeting invitations to recurring appointments
Recurring appointments, when sent via the meeting request feature of
Outlook, do not register correctly on the recipients Outlook. The same
appointment will show a completely different start and end time when
viewed in the Category View vs. the Day, Week, Month view. I've been
able to duplicate this issue in every instance where the recipient of
the recurring meeting request is on Outlook 2002 or older (can't get it
to happen in 2003).
Can someone please confirm I am not crazy...and if anyone has a fix
please share it :-)
To duplicate:
1. On one Outlook, create a meeting request for a recurring appointment
that happens weekly, any day, any time and send it to a recipient that
is not on Outlook 2003.
2. Have the recipient of the meeting request accept the meeting
3. On the recipient's Outlook, view the Calendar in the Day, Week,
Month view and the appointment just accepted will show as the correct
date and time.
4. Now on the recipient's Outlook, change the view to the Category
View, find the same appointment by the subject...the start and end time
are 5 hours earlier than what is displayed in the Day view.
A fix would be wonderful (although not really expected). A
confirmation that I am not crazy would be nice.
Thank you,