2000.pst vs. 2003.pst
PS 'cannot be opened in an *earlier* version'
"DL" address@invalid wrote in message
An OL 2003 unicode pst cannot be opened in any other version of OL
In OL2003 create a new pst in 'old' format (FileNewData File) Then copy
data from the unicode pst to it.
NB The use of Import/Export for a pst is often not advised as it can lead
data loss, be aware that the old format pst has a size limitation of 2gb,
and often problems can occur from 1.6gb, leading to a corrupt / unuseable
There are various tools for syncing a same format pst
"Donald" wrote in message
I have Microsoft Office 2000 on my notebook. I have Microsoft Office
my new desktop. I use Outlook for all my e-mail & scheduling. I normally
export my file to a Personal Folder file (.pst). My Outlook 2000 can not
the Outlook 2003 (.pst) file. Is there a way for 2000 to open a 2003
there a way to save the 2003 file in a 2000 format?