Schedule odd recurring events in Outlook?
Thank you!! It wasn't quite what I thought I needed to do, but I think it
was actually better!
Now I have my schedule for the whole year entered.
Thanks again.
"Remove ABCD from Email address to reply" wrote:
There is really no easy way to do what you want. The easiest way I can
think of doing it is to create the appointment once and then make 50 copies
then drag each one to the day it is suppose to be on.
"GKS" wrote in message
I have a particular recurring event that I would like to schedule, say, 50
times per year. Unfortunately, these 50 days are not in any particular
"order", but instead they occur more or less randomly throughout the year.
So, what I think I need to do is to select those days, all at one time,
the calendar view and then just enter the information for all at once.
Is this possible?