Buenas noches: *Ted Zieglar* escribió:
Unfortunately, you've made the mistake of thinking like a human being
instead of a computer. Newsgroups and email are two entirely separate
things. You can't send mail from a newsreader and you can't post a
message from an email program.
The latter might be true, but the first definitely not. OE in any case
is a combined email and newsreader program, so no problem there.
The whole idea behind newsgroups is that they are a gigantic public
bulletin board. All posts are tacked to the bulletin board for all to see.
That's my understanding, too. Still, in parts of Usenet (the German,
for one) it is recommended custom to reply to a post by email, if the
topic has moved away from the groups topic too far, or if the
conversation has drifted off on a purely personal level.
Besides, most people who have experience with newsgroups know not to use
their real email address in a post.
It's a real pity that it has come so far! Damn those spammers!
Roland, nonetheless with a valid and permanently checked email address
Probleme mit OE? Hier gibt es die Lösungen:!
"Die Tragik des modernen Menschen ist nicht, daß er immer weniger über den Sinn
des eigenen Lebens weiß, sondern, daß ihn das immer weniger stört." (V. Havel)