MSSPC.ECF Issue on Outlook 2003 Startup...
OSITSS wrote:
As far as removing the feature goes, the setup disk (and the options
under Add/Remove Programs) doesn't have an option to remove that
specific component as far as I can tell. I have also tried using the
repair feature, but to no avail.
It should. When you start Add or Remove Programs, locate the Office entry,
select it, and click Change, eventually you should get a dialogue with three
choices: "Add or Remove Features", "Reinstall or Repair", and "Uninstall",
with "Add or Remove Features" selected. Click Next. Check the box toward
the bottom that's labeled "Choose advanced customization of applications"
and click Next. Expand the entry for Microsoft Outlook and locate Schedule
Plus. Click the entry and select "Not Available". Click Update.
Brian Tillman