Mike wrote:
By the way, the solution has nothing to do with the "File As" field
being blank which was Russ Valentine's big contribution to the
Well, I said that.
There seems to be a bug where even if your contact entry
has a legit 'Full Name', 'File as' and 'Email...' data it will show
up as blank in the Address Book. I went through all of the contacts
and added a bogus phone number (555-555-5555) to each contact that
did not have one and this is what fixed the issue. So if you
consider no phone number an 'ill-defined entry' then I guess you
could say that Brian's advise at
http://www.helpfeeds.com/showthread.php?t=24939 helped.
Most likely just modifying any field and resaving the contact (for example,
changing a character in the name to the same character) would have helped.
I don't think the presence or absence of a phone number specifically is the
Brian Tillman