I hate Outlook 2002. Can I go back to Outlook 2000?
thanks for your advice, but there is no Edit Message in the Edit menu.
I did think of reinstalling the old version from the original Microsoft
Office disk that came with the computer. I wonder if that will work?
"njeo" wrote:
Try clicking Edit, Edit Message and then you can attach an attachment to an
existing email?
"eppkai" wrote:
I recently was prompted to upgrade my Outlook 2000 (I'm guessing it was 2000
- it was what I had before I upgraded to what I have now, and that's 2002) to
2002, and being a creature of habit, I disliked the change. But, life is
change, and I tried to adapt. However, I really hate the way 2002 is set up.
2000 was so much better. In 2002 you can't attach attachments to an existing
email - you have to attach the attachments to a new email, starting with the
attachment. It's very confusing and annoying. That and about a million other
annoying things. I just can't adapt to this. I want 2000 back. Can I go
backwards and get 2000 back?