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Old July 25th 06, 11:21 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,028
Default All "all-day-event" events suddenly span two days. How do I fix?

Try this:
Set your time zone back to Pacific
Export your calendar folder using the File menu Import & Export command to
a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file
Delete all the items in your calendar
Set your time zone to Eastern
Import the CSV file back into your calendar

Welcome to the East Coast...

"douglasnelson" wrote in message
I moved from NYC to California and all of a sudden, all of my recurring
day events" now span two days. The recurrence looks like:

Occurs every Wednesday effective 4/13/2005 (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US &

How do I fix this and make it a daily thing, not a time-based thing?
