I utilize Norton Corporate Antivirus and have the email feature disabled, as
well as turning it off completely and sending myself forms from the website
and they still arrive blank. I just recently downloaded the 2007 Beta 2 and
did not experience this problem with the 2003 outlook. I have sent numerous
emails on the rendering problem but have not received any type of feedback.
This is extremely frustrating since we have to email the sender of the form,
and ask dumb questions like "How can we help you"?, when this is exactly what
they used the form for. I cannot believe that the only answer is the
antivirus software, since it was not a problem before the 2007 beta, so what
is so difficult about correcting it at the source?
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
If you're getting only blank bodies on all HTML-format messages, disable the email scanning feature in your anti-virus software. (For example, in AVG, uncheck certify under the email scanning settings.) You'll still be protected by its other features and by Outlook's own security, and new messages shouldn't lose their bodies. Messages you've already received, though, can't be repaired.
You can report other issues with the Report Rendering Problem button on the reading pane.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
"bj" wrote in message ...
I am experiencing the same problem only it affects the forms and emails that
are generated on the web, such as the forms on our web site that email us
with information that a potenital customer has filled out. We get the email
with the contact and subject info, but nothing in the body. I received a
birthday greeting which was generated from 123 greetings, and there was
nothing to see or link to, so I actually had to go to my daughter and ask her
to send me the link to the greeting card. Surely someone has an answer to
this problem
"Onesolo" wrote:
I installed the new beta of the Office 2007, and the body of the new emails
don't show up. It's all their, judging by the size of the emails, even the
attatchments are showed.
Can anybody help???
P.S. - I had installed the two previews of the Office 2007 but never had
this kind of problem. And I allways unistalled first the office before
installing it again.