using the exchange RPC filter through ISA is the recommended access by
Microsoft and much simpler if I could just get it to work
"Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]" wrote:
Connecting Outlook 2003 to an Exchange Server behind a firewall requires
MANY more open ports than just 135:
Exchange Server static port mappings
Exchange 2003 Setup/Upgrade
23. What ports does Exchange use?
You might want to consider either Outlook Web Access or RPC over HTTP
Support WebCast: Using Microsoft Exchange over the Internet (RPC/HTTP) with
Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
TechNet Support WebCast: An overview of RPC over HTTP in Microsoft Exchange
Server 2003 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
The "Exchange Server 2003 RPC over HTTP deployment scenarios" guide is
Hal Hostetler, CPBE --
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' -
"Ritchie" wrote in message
I am trying to hook up remote outlook 2003' I can do it within my loarger
network but once I tried to connect from outlide my router it would not
connect. I realized it had block port 135 on my router so I added a premit
tcp any host myexchange.server eq 135. I still can not connect outside of
permit tcp any "my exchange server" eq 135
125 deny tcp any any range 135 139 log-input
125 deny udp any any range 135 netbios-ss log-input
Does any one know why this does not work ?