I hate Outlook 2002. Can I go back to Outlook 2000?
Yes, I did open a new message first, still no Edit Message, but this might be
a moot point. After "furious head scratching" I figured out what the
difference between "Outlook" and "Outlook Express" was. It's the "Outlook" I
hate. I still have "Outlook Express", just not as my default email program.
Once I figured that out, set it as my default program, I was back in
business. How I ever got "Outlook" as my default email program in the first
place is still a mystery. It might have something to do with the fact that
when my computer had to be rebooted last summer, my friend installed XP
Professional instead of XP Home User. Some friend... Anyway, I probably won't
use "Outlook" anymore, so even though I still hate it, no one need "furiously
scratch their head" about it anymore. Thanks for all your help. Epp
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
Did you open the message first before selecting Edit-Edit Message? It does
not work from the preview pane.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, eppkai asked:
| thanks for your advice, but there is no Edit Message in the Edit menu.
| I did think of reinstalling the old version from the original
| Microsoft Office disk that came with the computer. I wonder if that
| will work?
| "njeo" wrote:
|| Try clicking Edit, Edit Message and then you can attach an
|| attachment to an existing email?
|| "eppkai" wrote:
||| I recently was prompted to upgrade my Outlook 2000 (I'm guessing it
||| was 2000 - it was what I had before I upgraded to what I have now,
||| and that's 2002) to 2002, and being a creature of habit, I disliked
||| the change. But, life is change, and I tried to adapt. However, I
||| really hate the way 2002 is set up. 2000 was so much better. In
||| 2002 you can't attach attachments to an existing email - you have
||| to attach the attachments to a new email, starting with the
||| attachment. It's very confusing and annoying. That and about a
||| million other annoying things. I just can't adapt to this. I want
||| 2000 back. Can I go backwards and get 2000 back?