Hi leisuredog,
are you using Exchange Server in the office? Then you could use "Web Access"
or a remote connection.
If you donīt use Exchange you could also work at home with a VPN (Virtuell
Private Network) connection with the PST files also from home, but this is
an unsupported solution.
Herer are some tools to publish a calendar:
some online services who support this function for a monthy fee:
Another idea is our solution for a "Public Web PST". With this software you
will have an access to your Outlook in the Office round the world over the
internet. No monthly fee and it is a live access to the PST file over the
internet. The only problem: It is since 2 weeks a beta version available
only in german language:
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronize your Outlook: Public SyncTool
"leisuredog" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I would like to make diary enteries in my office but also see the at home
sometimes i go out to sites before going in the office or appointments may
booked from home