Gridlines on Calendar
So, when you print using Outlook, it prints fine, but when you print to
Adobe, it doesn't, so this makes it an Outlook problem?
I would check with Adobe since the problem manifests with Adobe.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, Frustrated asked:
| I need to have a monthly calendar printed to Adobe Acrobat each
| month. When I bring up the Outlook calandar and print it to paper
| the grid lines print fine. When I print it to Adobe only about a 3rd
| of the horizontal grid lines show up. When I do a print preview in
| Outlook only about a 3rd of the grid lines show up. So I am thinking
| the problem is more with Outlook than with Adobe. Any suggestions on
| how to be the calendar with full grid lines?