Exporting Outlook address book to outlook express
HawaiiGeiko wrote:
I followed all instructions on Microsoft.com to save my Outlook
address book to a .pab file, but when I went to import it into
Outlook Express, the option "Microsoft Exchange Personal Address
Book" is not there for me to import. Closest thing to it is Microsoft
Internet Mail for Windows 3.1 Address Book. Others include Eudora,
LDIF-LDAP, Netscape, Text File or Works Address Book. Anyone know
which I'm supposed to use?
To export Outlook's Contacts click FileImport and ExportExport to a
fileNext. Select "Comma Separated Value (Windows)" and click Next. Select
your Contacts folder and click Next. Browse to the folder whet you'd like
is saved, give it a name, then click Next, then FInish.
In Outlook Express, click FIleImportOther Address Book. Select "Text File
(Comma Separated Values)" and click Import. Browse to the file you saved,
select it, click Next, then FInish.
Brian Tillman