Export mail
No, if the files are present in OE and the user is having problems getting
that to Outlook, any version, we can take it from here.
Glad to hear from you but sorry the Natomas General Airport closed a few
years ago. Guess you will be using Sac Exec or are you done flying?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Jim Pickering asked:
| Thanks Milly. I'll leave this in your capable hands unless you think
| there's something further that we can help with.
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
| wrote in message
| ...
|| Are Outlook's email account(s) set up? If yes, there should be no
|| problem exporting from OE to Outlook. However, remember that
|| Outlook 2007 is a beta
|| and is subject to sudden whims and fevers. It may not work out of
|| the box.
|| Having said that, how are you trying to export from OE to Outlook?
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, TS Mathews asked:
||| I must not have explained myself...I do have them in Outlook
||| Express. When I've exported them, although from the OE side, it
||| appeared to have gone just like any previous exports had gone BUT
||| when I opened Outlook, they weren't there. To make sure the other
||| point I'm wondering about...I don't have any e-mail accounts setup
||| in OE. I'm only using it for my news at present making me wonder
||| if that might be why e-mail messages aren't exporting to Outlook
||| and/or Outlook can't "see" another e-mail program on my system.
||| "Jim Pickering" wrote in message
||| ...
|||| What you have in mind is most likely going to be a two step
|||| process. First, open Outlook Express and use its menu,
|||| File/Import/Messages/OE6/From a Message Store and point to the
|||| folder containing the old DBX files. Once that completes, you can
|||| then export from Outlook Express to Outlook or open Outlook and
|||| import from its menu. In other words, you've got to get the
|||| messages into Outlook Express before you can export/import them to
|||| anywhere. --
|||| Jim Pickering
|||| MVP-Outlook Express/Windows Mail
|||| Please reply to newsgroup only so that others may be helped with
|||| your feedback.
|||| "TS Mathews" wrote in message
|||| news:Bw9zg.176721$S61.170136@edtnps90...
||||| As I'm not sure whether this is an OE or an Outlook question, I'm
||||| posting to both--I hope the method is correct for posting in two
||||| groups without being considered an idiot. ;-)
||||| I thought I had lost a bunch of old e-mail a reformat or two
||||| before getting rid of my old computer but when I saw something
||||| about DBXpress on this forum a day or two ago I decided to give
||||| it a try and, sure enough, it found all the dbx files on my
||||| external hard drive on which I'd saved my entire old data drive.
||||| On my new system, I'm using Outlook 2007 beta and didn't plan on
||||| setting up OE as I need to be able to sync easily with my pda so I
||||| was planning on waiting for Windows Mail to make the switch BUT, I
||||| had hoped I could exports those old messages from OE to Outlook so
||||| I'd have them for reference and the export seemed to work just
||||| fine but when I tried to find them in Outlook, they don't show
||||| up. I knew I'd lose the dates on them if I tried to import them
||||| into Outlook but I wanted to see if they'd at least show up so I
||||| began the import just to see what options would be there but I
||||| got the prompt that Outlook found no other mail programs on my
||||| system.
||||| I'm assuming this is because I only have OE set up as my
||||| newsreader, so, my question is, does anyone from either OE or
||||| Outlook know if that's the only problem or might it be something
||||| to do with the fact that I'm trying to export from OE to the beta
||||| Outlook which didn't exist when OE's export utility was written?
||||| Thanks,
||||| Tim