Thread: Line breaks
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Old July 31st 06, 05:06 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default outgoing line breaks

"Sarah" wrote in message
My own outgoing messages have irregular line breaks, no matter where I set
my wrap. Lines are of varying lengths for no apparent reason. If I edit
the outgoing message to get rid of ridiculously short lines, by hitting
delete to get rid of what would be hard or soft returns in word
processing, the same or a different stupid line break gets in.

I just had two message go out looking just awful, with no logic to the
right "margin" at all. (I'd copy them but the subject matter is not one I
am inclined to share, since it involves other people's financial matters.)

Is there anything I can do to force OE to wrap correctly?


Setting a line length (at 78 or less - down to 72) will keep each line from
wrapping, and leaving one or two words on the next line - yes, BUT -

There seems to be a "paragraph limit" that also causes a wrap, of sorts.
When composing a letter, pause and close it... You will be asked if you want
to save it. Say yes and you will find it in the DRAFTS folder. Open it again
and it will be shown just as if it had been sent - lines wrapped - and
paragraphs wrapped (chopped off just as a line would be)

This can be done multiple times, while you re-word or rearrange sentences by
hand for formatting... a real pain - but I have not been able to find
another way around this...
