Thread: Line breaks
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Old July 31st 06, 01:20 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default outgoing line breaks

"Roland Bierlein" wrote in message ...
Buenos días: *Frank* escribió:

OEQuoteFix doesn't get the job done either.

Correctly configured, it definitely should! Line length should be same
or less in OE-Quotefix than in OE, f.i. OE-Quotefix 74 and OE 76. This
way, text processed by OE-Quotefix won't be wrapped again by OE when
sent to the Outbox.

Probleme mit OE? Hier gibt es die Lösungen:!

"Was bedeutet schon Geld? Ein Mensch ist erfolgreich, wenn er zwischen
Aufstehen und Schlafengehen das tut, was ihm gefällt." (B. Dylan)

I am somewhat envious. Spanish at the top, English in the middle
then German at the bottom.
To stay on topic OEQuote fix says to make all the settings 72.
Your settings may help.