What does quoted text have to do with quoted printable?
Quoted printable does not use wrapping. The text fills the width of the
"Roland Bierlein" wrote in message
: Buenas tardes: *Frank* escribió:
: "Ron Sommer" wrote in message
: ...
: Have you ever tried Quoted Printable? Tools, Options, Send, Mail,
: Plain
: Was using uuencode. Now trying quoted printable.
: I would not recommend using quoted-printable because of this:
: Best use MIME with Textencoding:None. Should not have any influence on
: wrapping, anyways.
: Saludos
: Roland
: --
: Probleme mit OE? Hier gibt es die Lösungen: http://oe-faq.de!
: "Diejenigen, die zu klug sind, um sich in der Politik zu engagieren,
: dadurch bestraft, daß sie von Leuten regiert werden, die dümmer sind als