outgoing line breaks
"Sarah" wrote in message
My own outgoing messages have irregular line breaks, no
matter where I set my wrap. Lines are of varying lengths
for no apparent reason.
Tip: before pressing Send, maximize your composition window
in order to expose the presence of any truncated lines.
E.g. when you use a specific linesize you must ensure that all
your paragraphs flow continuously; otherwise the lines written
in Drafts or the Outbox will be short.
If I edit the outgoing message to
get rid of ridiculously short lines, by hitting delete to
get rid of what would be hard or soft returns in word
processing, the same or a different stupid line break gets
Are you reflowing the whole paragraph that those lines are in?
If not and if you want those words left where you put them
you would have to increase your linesize.
Unfortunately, the way the linesize setting works you have
to change it *before* opening the composition window.
I just had two message go out looking just awful, with no
logic to the right "margin" at all. (I'd copy them but the
subject matter is not one I am inclined to share, since it
involves other people's financial matters.)
Is there anything I can do to force OE to wrap correctly?
Provided you always flow your paragraphs and are content
with what your linesize implies how they will be formatted
I think that OE *does* wrap "correctly." The problem is
that we don't always like looking at that formatting.