Hi Bruce, thanks for your answer.
I've just tried, unfortunately your suggestion didn't solve this problem -
It's quite the same with other identities.
WinXP Pro SP2-AMD Athlon64 3500+-Kingston DDRAM 2048MB-W.D. 320GB SATA
HD-NEC DVD_RW ND-3550A-NEC DVD_RW ND-1300A-RADEON X700 Series Sec.ry
256MB-FlyTV Prime 30-Realtek AC97
"Bruce Hagen" ha scritto:
You may have a damaged identity especially if it is the default Main
Identity. File | Identity | Add New Identity. Create a new one and test it.
If all is well, you can import your messages from the old identity and
delete it.
How to Create and Use Identities in Outlook Express
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"Puppybarf" wrote in message
I've got a strange problem with Outlook Express: when I try to drag & drop
e-mails from it to an external folder, the copy seems to work (the symbol
appears), but as I release left button there isn't a copy of the e-mail
This trouble appeared suddenly; it happens only with Outlook Express.
I tried a System Restore but it didn't work (it's impossible to terminate
the whole process after rebooting).
I followed the procedure of Microsoft Knowledge Base (article no. 318378)
but I can't reinstall Internet Explorer (the message "Setup has detected a
newer version of Internet Explorer already installed on this system. Setup
cannot continue." still appears).
What can I do to get rid of this problem?
Thanks to all (sorry for bad English).
WinXP Pro SP2-AMD Athlon64 3500+-Kingston DDRAM 2048MB-W.D. 320GB SATA
HD-NEC DVD_RW ND-3550A-NEC DVD_RW ND-1300A-RADEON X700 Series Sec.ry
256MB-FlyTV Prime 30-Realtek AC97