How do I show days instead of just dates in Outlook
Ah thanks a lot, that is great!
Kind regards,
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
Anne wrote:
I want to know how I can show the names of days on top of the columns
in my calendar, instead of just the dates, at the moment it just says
'31 July' and '01 August', but I'd like to see 'Monday 31 July' and
Tuesday 02 August' or something similar, does anyone know how to do
this or if this is possible?
This is done in your Regional and Language settings in Control Panel.
Modify the Long date format. Assuming Windows XP, click StartControl
PanelDate, Time, Language, and Regional OptionsRegional and Language
OptionsCustomize (ont he Regional Options tab)Date tab. In the "Long date
format" drop-down if it's not there already, TYPE "dddd dd MMMM" (if you
don't want the year) or "dddd dd MMMM yyyy" (if you do). Click OK, then OK,
and close Control Panel. When you start Outlook, the calendar dates will
follow the format you specified.
Brian Tillman