BTW Bruce, regarding the original problem of not being able to create new
folders in OE...I can now create folders again, but I don't know what fixed
it. About once a month for the last 4 months that creating folder problem
occurred and seemed to fix itself after a day or two, but rebooting or
turning the computer right off and then on again is NOT the fix cuz i tried
that several times. I have a strong suspicion that something(s) wrong with
the hardware on this new computer. I'm thinking the video card and/or the
processor (the new Duo Core). So far the computer has crashed and shut down
completely 5 times (about once a month) with messages about "memory
non-parity", "Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal", "Windows has shut down to
prevent damage to the system..." and I'm sure the video card (the new ATI
x1400) is a problem too cuz the screen saver never works even though it is
set to, and the displayed images are often corrupt, or replaced with red
"x"s. It is also slower right from the start than my last computer even
though it's brand new and supposed to be the "high-end" entertainment
centre. So it maybe that the folder problem has nothing to do with the OE
If your wondering why I haven't sent this one back already....this is the
third computer I have been sent since my purchase and I just don't trust the
manufacturer to get it right a fourth time. The first one had a loose
'right-click' mouse pad button that rattled loudly due to the subwoofer
located directly underneath on the bottom of the laptop....I called them
after 4 days thinking it might be a simple repair, their techs told me that
it couldn't be fixed because it was an integral part of the laptop's frame
and they would send me a new one and to send the first one back when the
replacement arrived. After waiting 3 weeks, I called to find out why it
hadn't arrived (they told me 10-14 days) and I was told that the system
exchange was recorded in my file but for some reason it hadn't been
processed. They couldn't explain why. The replacement arrived 2 weeks after
that, but it was not at all the custom product I had ordered and many
hardware and software components I had paid extra for were not included in
the replacement ie. dvd burner only a cd burner/dvd rom, 128MB dedicated
video card now only 64MB shared. I called again, they apologized and said
another replacement would be sent and to send the 2nd computer back when the
replacement when the 3rd arrived (10 -14 days).
4 WEEKS arrives...a few minor inconsistencies from the original
purchase order (they couldn't get it right again) but by now i'm sick of the
whole process, all my wasted time, and I just don't trust them anymore.What
good is a warranty if their people just can't get things right?!! This
computer was supposed to make my life easier, not take up more of my
valuable time. After spending $3500 for a "high-end" model, I just expect it
to work the way its expected.
What i've told you here is the long story made short. I could go on, but
you'll get as frustrated as me. So this manufacturer has already lost out on
over $12000 more in sales that the rest of my family was planning to spend
this year on new and upgraded computers because of my experience, not to
mention other potential sales as I have made sure to tell this story to
others as well, and you know i will never buy from them again! But they're a
big company, I paid for the computer in full up front, and they don't care
about us little guys. Oh, and if I had have sent it all back for a refund,
they were going to keep $850+ for their 25% restocking fee....for all MY
trouble...HA... what a &^$*^%$ joke!!!
Sorry for the venting, but I bet it makes all the little software bugs seem
like just little annoyances now, eh? (ya, I'm Canadian)...And I'm sure you
can really understand now how appreciative I am for your assistance! Way
more valuable than the manufacturers thanks again to all of
you!!! I can't believe you're just volunteers...You have my utmost respect
too!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Dan
"Dan" wrote in message
Thanks Bruce ( & Mac)
I will just continue in this thread to prevent confusion, the new post was
an accident.
While kb911567 hasn't caused me any obvious problems yet, i think it would
be wise to install kb918766 as a preventative measure. But I would like to
confirm that i will be doing this correctly as the link Mac gave me ( ) included additional instructions, and I
have never edited a registry key before. Therefore I should do things in
this order?
1. Uninstall kb911567
2. Windows Update to reinstall kb911567
3. Windows Download Centre to install kb918766
4. then click the "small registry file" at the above link, save to
desktop, right-click the file and click 'Merge'
And then I'm all set?
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
You're welcome.
I am not sure from this post whether you're saying the problem was fixed
or not? I hope it was. If so, what was the fix that worked? Continuing on
your original thread is the best way to keep going so we don't have to
hunt around.
The patch will be released in Windows Updates in the future as part of a
cumulative patch being worked on, but you can download it now. It won't
cause any conflicts.
BTW, we are all volunteers, so don't worry about us losing our jobs. I
would just spend more time fishing. But the way MS works, I think we'll
be around for awhile. g
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"Dan" wrote in message
Thankyou both Bruce and Ron, for answering my questions and helping to
clarify things for me. I have found reading all these newsgroup messages
much more enlightening than trying to find solutions in the help and
troubleshooting files of certain programs and certainly much more
helpful than my computers oem techs (who seem to think the answer for
everything is to uninstall and reinstall and then all the extra work of
restoring settings and files only to find that the problem has not been
Seeing that many of the issues in this forum have been known for some
time, it's unfortunate that these are not included in the instructions
and help files with the would have saved me many wasted
DAYS...maybe MS will include this info in future version's
troubleshooting sections...not that i'd like to see you out of your
jobs....but many of these problems seem to be so common!! I'd have
looked here long ago, but I had a great deal of trouble just getting
subscribed, and then a whole day of work just to get a message
posted...I couldn't post because OE told me no sender was identified!?!?
Couldn't find instructions in the help files but finally I have figured
it out!!
Bruce, I think your "advice to help keep problems to a minimum" should
be the front page of OE or the first page of the help files....I suspect
this room would be empty most of the time! I already do follow this
advice, but I had to figure it all out (time-consuming) by trial & error
or by mistake!
Thank you both again for helping me get a grip on all this, I think I
should be good now, but I have one more question regarding the patch you
suggested (KB918766)
This computer is only 4 months old...supposed to be a high performance
laptop...Centrino Duo Core, Windows XPsp2 Pro MCE 2005, 1024 MB RAM, ATi
Radeon x1400 video card (although i am quite sure the video card has a
hardware problem, but thats another story) so my question is this...
I keep windows and office up-to-date with ALL high-priority AND optional
updates. Microsoft.update tells me there are no other updates available
for my system. I could not find KB918766 listed under the add/remove
programs (and i do have "show updates" checked). Do I already have this
update in one of the other cumulative updates and/or why doesn't
microsoft.update offer this patch when i check? I haven't downloaded
this patch from your link yet as I do not want to cause a conflict or
reversal of any of the other updates I have received, so your answer to
this question would be greatly appreciated. Thanks once more - Dan