Dan, if you're not experiencing any of the issues detailed in 917288, leave 911567 installed, install 918766, and don't worry about the Registry edit.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Security, Shell/User)
Dan wrote:
Thanks Bruce ( & Mac)
I will just continue in this thread to prevent confusion, the new post was
an accident.
While kb911567 hasn't caused me any obvious problems yet, i think it would
be wise to install kb918766 as a preventative measure. But I would like to
confirm that i will be doing this correctly as the link Mac gave me (
http://insideoe.tomsterdam.com/ ) included additional instructions, and I
have never edited a registry key before. Therefore I should do things in
this order?
1. Uninstall kb911567
2. Windows Update to reinstall kb911567
3. Windows Download Centre to install kb918766
4. then click the "small registry file" at the above link, save to desktop,
right-click the file and click 'Merge'
And then I'm all set?