You wrote your post is as much of an unnecessary download as the OP's.
You're entitled to your opinion. That doesn't make it right. I'm entitled
to my opinion!
You also wrote If you want to be productive, point them in the direction
of the correct newsgroup, in this case That's where your argument falls
down. If I could understand the foreign rubbish I might be able to redirect
them to where they should be going in the first place. I can't understand
them which makes them a waste of space!!
Bill Ridgeway
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
AFAIC, your post is as much of an unnecessary download as the OP's. How
many people post here with an IE question just because the name of the
newsgroup is confusing.
If you want to be productive, point them in the direction of the correct
newsgroup, in this case:
OE6 French Newsgroup:
Otherwise, you are wasting just as much bandwidth as the poster.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"Bill Ridgeway" wrote in message
This is a predominantly an English speaking NewsGroup. I don't mind at
Johnny Foreigner posting to this NG but you should have the common sense
try do it in English. That would save us having to download unnecessary
and increase the possibility of you getting a reasonable response.
Alternatively you could post to a NG for your own language.
Bill Ridgeway
"christine lucy" wrote in message
j'ai pris des photos avec mon numérique et losque je veux les envoyer,
c'est très long et très souvent refusé par la messagerie à qui je veux
les envoyer. Je les ai mis dans un fichier compressé, mais la taille du
fichier est toujours aussi importante et le problème reste le même.
Merci de me donner des pistes