erro do servidor
Can I ask you a question?
Why are you hanging about in here anyway?
Do you have an OE problem you need help with?
Or perhaps you want to help except that I don't see any posts from you
helping others with their problems.
All posts from you seem to be the same "policing post".
Kath Adams
MS MVP - Windows (Outlook Express)
Bill Ridgeway wrote:
This is a predominantly an English speaking NewsGroup. If your
message was in English you would save us having to download
unnecessary posts and increase the possibility of you getting a
response. Alternatively you could post to a NG for your own language.
Bill Ridgeway
"Luz Fonseca" wrote in message
Não foi possível enviar a mensagem porque um dos destinatários foi
rejeitado pelo servidor. O endereço de correio electrónico rejeitado
era '. Assunto 'A enviar
correio electrónico: Oquequeresser', Conta: 'POP3', Servidor:
'smtp', Protocolo: SMTP, Resposta do servidor: '553 sorry, relaying
denied from your location [] (#5.7.1)', Porta: 25,
Secure(SSL): Não, Erro de servidor: 553, Número do erro: 0x800CCC79