Dmitry, thank you for your reply.
At present, I want to limit my small application to non-Exchange
environments. Also, I probably need to detect Outlook version (2000/XP/2003
would be the versions). I have great troubles with finding and understanding
the documentation of Outlook, compared with other Office products. I will
have to check out your website.
I'm finding some problems distinguishing properties for (for example)
AddressBook that are Exchange-only vs single-user (not Exchange-connected),
such as Outlook.AddressEntry.Manager
Right now, my crude way to see if the user's Outlook is NOT
Exchange-connected is to check the registry using a simple .NET routine
based on System.Diagnostics and Microsoft.Win32
ReadRegistry(Registry.LocalMachine, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange
Provider", "(Default)", Value)
and just check the value it returns.
Ian Thomas
"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote in message
On the Extended MAPI level, you can look at the PR_MDB_PROVIDER propperty.
I am not sure I unxdderstand why you want to make a distinction - for all
practical purposes, caches Exchange mode is not at all different from PST.
Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
"gxdata" wrote in message
I can't locate any objects that will let me know whether Exchange is / can
be connected to Outlook 2003.
I want to deal only with a single-user (ie, not / never connected to
Exchange), so that I know to use local Contacts folders and not to use
offline or other Exchange-type addresslists etc.
I'm using VB.NET but anything that points me to a solution in VBA or .NET
would be much appreciated.
IL Thomas