I can't send mail on my new Charter account
On Sat, 5 Aug 2006 22:03:44 -0400, jb wrote:
"jb" wrote in message
I recently started a new charter account for my wife and I. Hers doesn't
send mail on the wireless laptop, but my desktop does using a my email
address in outlook express. Any ideas on how I should configure her OE to
send mail. Hers receives fine. I double checked my server settings w/
Charter, but they said "we don't support OE" and won't help me other than
giving me the smtp info which I have put in. Any ideas w/ this one?
Here's the error message:
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected
by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'edited out for privacy'.
Subject ' ', Account: 'x', Server: 'smtp.charter.net', Protocol: SMTP,
Server Response: '550 #5.1.0 Address rejected.', Port: 25, Secure(SSL):
No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
Update: I tried "my server requires authentication" but without success.
I've investigated the error on the websites mentioned, but no effect. I
made sure my antivirus is off regarding outgoing messages.
From your headers:
|NNTP-Posting-Host: 68-64-89-167.atlsfl.adelphia.net
That is _not_ a Charter connection. Adelphia is no more; and, AFAIK,
your connection should be either Comcast, or Road Runner.
Charter SMTP servers _may not_ like incoming Message Submission
connections from non-Charter networks. In that case, your only choice
will be to either use the SMTP for the ISP which provides your TCP/IP
Internet connection (either Comcast, or Road Runner), or a third party
mail service with SMTP access, such as GMail.
~Oh Lord, why have you come
~To Konnyu, with the Lion and the Drum