See if anything here helps.
Tools | Options | Compose. Make sure nothing is checked or selected in the
Stationery section.
Also see:
OLEXP: The Font Size Changes When You Press ENTER in a New Message:;en-us;Q232001
OLEXP: Default Font Size Is Not Applied in a New HTML E-mail Message:;en-us;Q240730
OLEXP: Large or Small Font Printing Message from Outlook Express:;en-us;Q276435
OLEXP: Cannot Change Text Format Using Outlook Express:;en-us;Q178895
OLEXP: Large Font Printing Message from Outlook Express:;EN-US;q276435
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
wrote in message
OE is driving me nuts.
I am able to change the font,size and color on one computer but not
The problem computer allows me to change and save the type and size, but
every time I compose it defaults to black.
I have to change it manually every time.
No problem with my second computer and the settings are exactly alike and
both are running the same versions.