Importing contacts from Vista's Windows Mail
Outlook 2007 Beta
I am trying to get my contacts from MSN Mail to Outlook 2007 Beta running on
Windows Vista. MSN Mail doesn't run on the beta OS yet. This is what I
have done so far:
1. While in Windows XP, I exported my contacts from MSN Mail to Outlook
Express (the only option).
2. From Outlook Express I exported to a .wab file.
3. While in Windows Vista Beta, I imported the .wab file into Windows Mail
because I don't see an option to import a .wab file in Outlook 2007 Beta.
Now I see an option to import contacts from Windows Mail in Outlook 2007
Beta but it doesn't work. At first, it would crash Outlook but now it just
says 0 contacts imported.
Can someone point me in the right direction. I can't just use Windows Mail
because it doesn't do HTTP mail like MSN/Hotmail but Outlook 2007 Beta does.
It all works well except the whole import of contacts thing.