Thread: Name change
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Old August 12th 06, 02:34 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 91
Default Name change

R KATS wrote:
does anyone have an idea about how i can change my header from R Kats
(not my name) (not even my husband's name) to MY VERY OWN NAME???? Please
reply to

Looks like your question was pretty well answered. I'd like to add some
well meaning though unsolicited advice if you don't mind.

Do NOT put your email address and especially do NOT put your real name,
phone and address on the internet and especially not in a newsgroup. With
ID theft and spammers and scammers on the prowl as they are these days, you
take quite a risk putting that information in public places. They love
newsgroups to gathering information and if I wished to stalk you, I now
could do that since I know exactly who/where you lived. If I were to write
you a phoney mail about needing your social security number now to verify
that your bank records are in order and maybe scare you by telling you I saw
some unauthotized activity there to convince you to give me your ss #, I
would have everything I needed to steal your identity and I did very little
to get the information.

Here are a couple links you should probably be interested in:

I hope you haven't been offended by this because it's pretty important

