Custom Contact From
I would love to create a contact for that can do the following but wanted to
check first before wasting hours creating only to find out nothing I do will
make it work.
I'll be creating dozens of contacts from many different companies and each
of these companies has several named locations. Can I make the company name
field a drop down allowing me to choose company A, B, C, etc but if I need a
company X it can be added quickly.
Then once Company A is selected from the drop down I can go to the Office
box and choose one of 10 named offices for that company. Choosing the
specific office will then insert the Main office phone number, fax number,
and office address automatically into the contact form.
I then want to be able to import and export this information easily (I’m not
a programmer and don't want to learn VB if I don't have to. I run my own
small business and I just don’t have the time).
Is this even possible? If not is there a contact manager out there that can
do this?