Not only will you want to resize, you will also want to optimize your
graphic to reduce the kbs. The one I have used for several years is at They offer several...but select "Image Optimizer." They say
that it is a 30-day trial, but after 30-days, only the option to reduce gifs
is removed. The jpg option stays on your computer.
It's a visual thing that opens 2 images, the original and your work copy.
That way you can watch the compression and stop before it becomes deformed.
Save the copy under a new name, so your original remains in tact. I liked
it so well that I finally ended up buying it so I can compress gifs too.
wrote in message
When I send a Photo Attached to an OE 6 e-mail it "defaults" out of My
Picture Folder when attached to the e-mail in HUGE size, taking 15+
minutes to Send with my Dial-Up?
How do I shrink/edit the Attached Photo where it is smaller but still
visible with some detail?
Thanks for any advice....