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Old August 15th 06, 01:31 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 41
Default How do I prevent IE6 from automatically "compacting"?

D. W. K. wrote:
Hello to all! Does anyone know how I can prevent IE6 from automatically
"compacting" every so often on its own?

Do you mean Outlook Express or Internet Explorer? If IE6 is compacting,
you indeed have a problem no one, I am sure, has ever heard of.

The problem is that every time it does this it takes forever to do it and
when it is done my entire computer runs incredibly SLOOOOOOOOOW!!

This is extremely aggravating to me! I don't know why it has this effect on
my computer but every single button click, selection or other action after a
"compacting" event responds in glacial time for at least the first 15
minutes or more for each program I open up!

Thank you,

Simi Valley, CA

You need to give us more information about how you maintain, or if you
maintain, Outlook Express, which I am sure you really meant to say
rather than IE6. Do you store a lot of messages in Inbox and Sent Items?
Do you know how big these files are?
