I have a great tolerance for anything and everything (except warmongers)!
However, I was only wondering if the problem was one of my own making or one
that has affected a few! I beta test a lot of major programs thanks, but it's
alway nice to know that maybe you can turn to someone for advice, instesd of
them trying to tell me what I know already!
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
It's a beta. Beta = problems, and often problems that won't be resolved until the final release. If you have a low tolerance for problems, beta testing software is probably not an activity that you'll enjoy. You might think twice next time before downloading beta software.
We can try to help you find a workaround for the problem, but you haven't provided very many details for us to go on. Things that might be relevant would include:
-- What are you clickiing to open your address book? What happens when you try to open your address book?
Adding entries to Contacts has *always* been the correct way to create new entries. Adding them through the address book has caused many people confusing and outright problems and is never recommended.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
"MickY G" wrote in message ...
For some obscure reason, all of a sudden, I am unable to open my address book
in Office Outlook 2007 beta? This has happened quite a few times before and I
now have to go to contacts in the drop down list pane on the left of Outlook
2007 and add them from there, whereas before, I could just hit the address
book icon and add entries from there. I keep being told by Microsoft error
reporting that it is a problem that will be fixed in an upcoming beta update
but when? Not only do we have to pay to beta test for them (Microsoft) now
but they wont be bothered to do an update until it actually goes public by
which time we will all have to pay top dollar for the honour of using it