This is the entire message:
Task 'Suscom - Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC92) : 'Your e-mail server
rejected your login. Verify your user name and password in your account
properties. Under Tools, click E-mail accounts. The server responded: -ERR
authorization failed'
"Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]" wrote:
Could you post the whole error message please?
Hal Hostetler, CPBE --
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' - www.badnewsbluesband.com
"GSC" wrote in message
Recently changed to a new computer which has Outlook 2003 on it, versus
Outlook Express previously used. Entered all of the POP3 information and
other settings correctly along with the user name/password. However,
I try to access the email acct I get the error message
- Receiving' reported error (Qx800CCC92): ' Your e-mail server rejected
I have contacted the ISP and verified the login and password information
well as the POP3 & SMTP information. I have tried to make alternate email
accounts, removed the old ones, tried different data files as suggested in
some of the other posts, but none of it seems to to work.
If anyone can provide some guidance that is clear and easy to understand
would be appreciated.