Duplicate folders
I just initiated a switch of primary e-mail accounts by using True
Switch--the service provided free to MSN Premium customers. Basically, I
tell them to redirect all of my pop mail to my MSN account and for one month
they do it until I've made sure everyone I know has the correct address.
The switch is done via their web site and that's about all I know from a
technical standpoint other than calendar and contacts are also copied over.
My problem is, I was already using Outlook Connector and this program--I
assume--installed a second set of folders on my system for the MSN account,
duplicating what I already had. A second MSN account doesn't show up under
accounts, so I can't delete in the standard method and trying to remove the
account folders doesn't work as I get prompted to perform this task from the
e-mail accounts area.
Has anyone encountered this? Is there any way, short of totally removing
and reinstalling OUtlook to get rid of this duplication? It's a major pain
as my calendar is also duplicated and I have the same problem trying to
remove one of them as they both show active with MSN Connector.
Thanks for any help,