Try this, but make sure to set a breakpoint on the Save line and do not
proceed with saving until you've verified that this Format function is
changing the phone number as you'd expect. If ANY phone numbers don't meet
the expected +########### format, they get all messed up.
Sub ChangeTelFormat()
Dim objC As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim strX As String
If ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
If ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.DefaultItemType olContactItem Then
Exit Sub
For Each objC In ActiveExplorer.Selection
strX = Format(objC.BusinessTelephoneNumber, "+1 (@@@) @@@-@@@@")
objC.BusinessTelephoneNumber = strX
Set objC = Nothing
End Sub
Eric Legault (Outlook MVP, MCDBA, MCTS: Messaging & Collaboration)
Try Picture Attachments Wizard for Outlook:
"stef" wrote:
Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook] wrote:
Yes, but you'd also of course need to declare the variables:
Dim objC As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim strX As String
i must be doing something wrong as i'm getting an error message....
is there anyway i can get u to just spell it out for me out here, from
beginning to end?
that wd be most helpful.