I've seen one other post with the same problem and the cause in that case
was setting the Return Address to a non-AOL email address; the cure was to
replace this address with the AOL email address of the account used to send.
Here's what I found:
Trouble sending via AOL
Hal Hostetler, CPBE --
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' -
"NealM" wrote in message
I have a client who's ISP is AOL. I am trying to set up Outlook 2003 so
it can recieve E~mails that have been sent to the address
" and obviously send E~mails as well,
sending obviously requires the use of the SMTP details of the clients ISP,
(in this case AOL)
I have read about needing to use IMAP rather than POP for the incoming
server so when I created the profile I selected IMAP, rather than the
For the incoming mail server I have typed "mail.stirlingnarrowboats.co.uk"
(this is the info given by the hosting company)
For the outgoing server I have typed "imap.aol.com"
On the screen where you type the incoming and outgoing server addresses
there is also a heading "Logon Information" I have entered the logon
information for the "stirling narrowboats" account at this point. Then on
"More Settings"; "Outgoing Server" tab, I have ticked the box "My outgoing
server (SMTP) requires authentication" and clicked on "Log on using" and
filled in the AOL username and password. I then clicked on the advanced
and changed the Outgoing server port to 587.
I believe this should be everything I need to do.
Now when I open outlook with this profile it will receive all the E~mails
addressed to " HOWEVER when I try to
send I
get the error message "550 incorrect domain in mail/RCPT command"
Can someone please explain what this error message means and more
importantly provide a solution.
Many thanks (Sorry the post is so long but I felt it was important to try
and give you the full facts)