Outlook and McAfee Error
Eyz wrote:
That file does not exist anymore with the new McAfee Online Security
Suite. I looked on my old hard drive and it was with the old Virsus
Scan Online.
So, did you delete the extend.dat file like I said?
Actually, yes I should still should be scanning emails as I have
'friends' who sent me embedding virses and keyloggers and not know
they did it. I know not to click on unknown email, etc.
Actually "no". If you know people send you attachments that may be
infected, either delete the message without opening the attchment, then save
the attachment to disk so your AV program can scan them when the file is
created. Simply never open an attachment in mail. Problem solved, never a
need to scan the mail itself and never a problem in Outlook because the mail
scanner isn't written correctly or interferes in the timing between Outlook
and the server.
Brian Tillman