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Old August 24th 06, 03:16 AM posted to
PA Bear
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,031
Default downloading hotmail

Try: File Switch identity
~PA Bear

Johnny wrote:
OK I created a new identity. But I cannot find a way to view it. It
downloaded a lot of files form the webmail but doesn't indicate where to
find its folders.

"PA Bear" wrote in message
1. Understand that what you see in your Hotmail folders in OE only
mirrors what's on the server, so it's not necessary to back-up any of
your OE's Hotmail folders. The server is your backup.

...files become doubled

2. See

...every time I reinstall xp

I suppose we could ask why you keep finding it necessary to reinstall
WinXP, but...

3. Your current Identity is probably damaged, especially if its the
default Main Identity. Try one or more of your accounts in a new Named
Identity (File Identities Add new identity). Assuming all is well,
(1) compact all folders in the old identity, (2) import messages from
the old identity into the new one [Don't bother with any Hotmail
folders; see #1 above], and then (3) delete the old one (File
Identities Manage Identities).

To avoid such corruption in futu

- Don't use Inbox or Sent Items to archive messages. Move them to local
folders created for this purpose.

- Empty Deleted Items folder daily.

- Disable Background Compacting [N/A in SP2] and frequently perform a
manual compact of all OE folders while "working offline". More at

- WinXP SP2 only: Do not attempt to close OE via Task Manager or
shutdown your machine if Automatic Compacting is taking place.

- WinXP SP2 only: If your machine is fully up-to-date at Windows Update,
installing the following patch (KB918766) will help to avoid such data
loss in the futu

This patch will be included in the next Cumulative Update for Outlook
Express/WinXP SP2.

- Your anti-virus application's email scanning feature can also cause
corruption. Disable it. It provides no additional protection.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), VSOP,

Johnny wrote:
Are you stating that you see messages in the Sent Items folder at which do not show up when you open OE to your
Hotmail Sent Items folder (not the Local Sent Items folder)?


Do messages in the Inbox at show up when you open
OE to your Hotmail Inbox?

Yes there seems to be no problem with downloading the Inbox. Indeed I
wish I could stop the download deluge every time I reinstall xp and
recofigure OE (files become doubled, for one thing; I want only the
saved .dbx files to be configured, as in these I have deleted spam)
while keeping them safe on my server.

Is this sudden, new behavior or an ongoing problem?

No, I have had this pattern for years. Even stranger is that even
when I save the .dbx files, whether by OE Quick Backup or, as I
recall, by other means, there's always a group of mails covering a
period, always just before the time of the backup, that are not
saved. On this occasion there were many months of Sent Items files
that I was saving, and no large periods between occasions when I have
sent messages either by Hotmail or the other account (UK2) I have on
OE (in fact I have been using both a great deal recently). But the
Hotmail backup for some reason didn't save the last 2 weeks' worth of
sent items and the UK2 didn't save the last three days of sent items.
The messages were definitely recorded in OE before the backup, though.
Johnny wrote:
I notice my Hotmail Sent Items folder does not download from
webmail to OE. Is there any way to rectify this?
