Send mass emails using outlook
Thank you so much for your help. I have an opt-in alumni club with 500 email
addresses. I send a regular newsletter. I have checked with my ISP, and
they have no problem with mass emails under 1000 recipients, but Microsoft
Outlook will only let me send to 100, which means I copy and paste 4 times.
I know it is an Outlook limitation because when I used to use outlook
express, I could only send to 50 recipients, and a Microsoft representative
told me that I've I "trraded up" to Outlook, that number would increase to
100. Also, I did a trial of a "bulk email" program, and successfully sent to
all 500. But I would like to use Outlook, rather than switch to a competing
product. I have been monitoring this group for a while, and everyone says
it is the ISP, but it's not. Does anyone have any information that will help
me override this limitation in Outlook XP. Thanks again.