You are probably thinking about the notes about having to call
MAPIUtils.Cleanup, aren't you? I have by now talked to Dmitry
(Redemption's author) and he told me that actually as of Redemption 4.0
this is no longer necessary at all...
My concern was the last point in the FAQ.
Does 'no longer necessary' includes that point?
That would be great. I have multiple threads with mixed Appartments (STA,MTA) running in my Outlook Plugin.
And trying to use just one Instance of MAPIUtils in them makes the hole thing somewhat fragile and easy to break when refactoring/extending.
Any ideas? The closest I've found so far was KB891298 which also speaks
of unexpected exits but the rest of the description does not apply at
all to my situation (i.e. the problem is not specific to running under
Terminal Services and I'm not opening or closing files either).
Sorry, Oliver. Coping with the plethora of Microsofts KB's is far beyond my abilities.

At this point i would open a support case and let them find it.