Ted Zieglar wrote:
Find reviews of anti-spam programs he
I recently had to do a complete reformat and clean install of Windows XP Pro
about 9 days ago. Rather than go to the trouble of recreating my previous
message rules which were quite extensive, I just reinstalled CloudMark. Life is
beautiful as I now have maybe one message a week sneak through.
I had originally started using CloudMark a few months ago after Blue Frog went
belly up because a series of spam messages kept getting through. You know the
type: it's a gif of a text message rather than the text message itself. They
usually were extolling the virtues of Viagra or whatever but even message rules
that deleted messages with attachments couldn't seem to filter them. CloudMark
Now my message rules consist simply of distributing my incoming mail to the
appropriate folder. I did make one change: CloudMark makes the very first
message rule where it filters the detected crap and deposits it into a newly
created "Spam" folder. I changed it to my "Delete" folder. That, combined with
my selection in OE's options to dump the deleted folder with program exit
effectively does away with the trash with no muss; no fuss.
I've seen a very few false positives but that's easily corrected and all I do is
glance into the delete folder for a second to make sure something unintended
doesn't end up there. CloudMark doesn't make the same mistake twice.
CloudMark only filters email. You're on your own with newsgroups (I use
NewsProxy to supplement OE's message rules there).
And no, I don't work for either of them or have any ties other than being a
highly satisfied customer.
Mortimer Schnerd, RN