How to know if can I access a folder ?
Hi all,
I'm making an outlook addin plugin in vb6.
I want to traverse the folders tree in a shared mailbox.
The problemi is that in some subfolders in this mailbox I don't have
access to them.
I found that I can enumerate the 'forbidden' subfolders in the .Folders
collections, but If I try to acces a proberty of that object I got an
'unkown error in the interface' sorry, but the message is in italian,
so I'm not sure if it's correctly translated it.
So I need to come up with a way if I can access the properties of that
MapiFolder object, i.e. I'd like to get some code like this:
If IsAuthorized(F) then
end if
Only way to get around this problem I could think of is some pseudocode
like this:
for ..... do
On Error goto SkipFolder
set F = Curr.Folders(i)
Name = F.Name
Whatever = f.whatever
There are any (better) alternative to solve this problem ?
Thanky you very much