« lol, you misread a LOT »
Could you please be as polite and correct as, either back this
with precise quote and explanation, or retract? You certainly
would expect at least this minimum correction if *YOU* were
publicly assaulted as you are repetitively doing here against
Paris, Sun 3 Sep 2006 02:34:10 +0200
----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Pop`"
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Sat 2 Sep 2006 20:17:50 -0400 (Sun 3 Sep 00:17:50 GMT)
Subject: Reality check on data losses due to compaction in OE
lol, you misread a LOT, and responded to something not
even proposed. If I offended, you, sorry, but ... it's not
rocket science, after all.
Have fun
----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin"
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Sat 2 Sep 2006 10:00:55 +0200 (08:00:55 GMT)
Subject: Reality check on data losses due to compaction in OE
« don't believe all you read at MS and instead research
yourself a concensus from any other reasonably good
source »
I suggest *you* "research yourself"; just searching
the OE general NG
for "Compact" is enough, provided you carefully read, following
the links when present. You will see a lot of posts from MS
afficionados (whether staff or MVPs or other "volunteers")
infinitely repeating (as you are doing) stances that are never
reality-checked, even sometimes with less helpfulness and
efficiency than scorn and laughing at others' misfortunes.
Please read with due care those posts from your friends, but
please read with the same care those who disagree, whether from
myself or others.
« a compacting operation will not start after you've given
the Hibernate command for instance, as you seem to think »
I suggest you read my posts before guessing (in the wrong
direction here) what they may contain. You will learn (since you
seem to ignore it) that Windows tries to launch Compacting when
OE closes, hence is calling for massive data loss, since OE most
often closes when the user is shutting down - or goes away,
which often triggers hibernation (and I think Windows won't
refuse that hibernation). If Microsoft had the tiniest regard
for users and their assets, such a stupidity would never had
been released. And seeing afficionados infinitely and blindly
defending this indefensible blunder is still more unbelievable.
More, seeing some of them laughing in addition at the myriads
misfortunes they are causing, is beyong anything.
I think you will not believe there are plenty data losses caused
by the fundamental error in MS' sight of message compaction,
and more generally of data reliability. But please do the
"Compact" search I asked, you will see how many people, just
here, are reporting exactly this kind of massive data loss,
caused by the very program in charge of their main assets.
People not familiar with Microsoft's views and behavior, can't
simply believe their own eyes when seeing their data stolen that
way, and themselves plunged in misfortune by the very people
they had paid for keeping them safe.
Sure Microsoft can continue making money that way - for a while.
But then, don't cry when backfire finally hits!
PS. I am not sure you will seriously do the recommended
"Compact" search with the due follow-on through links. So I have
included below a selection of these reports - *EACH* one of
these "DATA LOSS REPORTS" is about a *DATA LOSS*,
and is the start of a thread; please follow each thread, you
will see the infinitely repeated (implicit) defense of the
indefensible, with sometimes insensibility or disdain for the
scared user, and not a single attempt at demanding Microsoft to
immediately stop this disaster.
Another selection could be made of the threads, still more
numerous, where people complain, shy because not believing their
eyes, against the unbelievable blunder of forcing compaction on
closing OE. One of those threads was started by me with an HTML
message, I added it below ("Stop forcing compaction"); that
long, useless, unhelpful thread is just an example (and a mild
one) of the disregard from too many Microsoft staff and
volunteers towards *customers* - the very people from whom they
are getting their money (or satisfaction or other benefits).
Paris, Sat 2 Sep 2006 10:00:55 +0200
----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Pop`"
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Fri 1 Sep 2006 19:12:33 -0400 (23:12:33 GMT)
Subject: Compacting is in facts the main cause of corruption
lol, I'll see ya on whichever group you go to when your lose
your mail! I don't mean to be facetious, but don't believe all
you read at MS and instead research yourself a concensus from
any other reasonably good source you care to choose, and you'll
have a glimmer of what's waiting for you.
Personally I have never, in all my years of windows starting at
3.0 and on, lost an e-mail due to corruption of any kind, let
along compacting.
You also seem to think compacting can happen at any old time;
it can't - it happens at specific times, and a compacting
operation will not start after you've given the Hibernate
command for instance, as you seem to think.
The best thing for you to do would be to adhere to a strict,
applicable backup/archiving routine so that whether it happens
or not and whether you compact or not, you can recover.
Happy emailing,
----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin"
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Fri 1 Sep 2006 19:10:40 +0200 (17:10:40 GMT)
Subject: Compacting is in facts the main cause of corruption
« If you don't compact your messages regularly, you will be
back here wanting to know how to recuperate all your
messages because they will all disappear »
As appropriately recalled in several documents (or messages in
this newsgroup), messages and folders most often never get
corrupt or lost if you never compact any folder (in addition to
a few basic precautions, as: making frequent, full, and
independent backups; keeping your OE folders under 100MB each;
and never allowing NAV or other "self-inflicted-virus" to scan
your incoming or outgoing email).
Microsoft itself implicitly recognized this in
"When the Cure Kills: Compacting and Corruption"
since they admit that "background compaction" (i.e. "compact
files automatically after Outlook Express had been inactive for
some minutes") was causing corruption...
Unfortunately MS, stopping its thinking before its end, just
replaced the initial flaw with worse: compacting is now *forced
onto user* (by allotting him too few seconds to refuse) and *as
soon as OE is closed* - which in facts builds still higher
probability that the compaction will start while the PC
hibernates or shuts down, ensuring that corruption will arise.
The "fix" currently offerred in
http://www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#2 and
doesn't fix the problem at all since it just strengthens the
initial choice of
1. starting the compaction when the PC most probably will
shut down or hibernate,
2. *forcing* this against the user's will.
Paris, Fri 1 Sep 2006 19:10:40 +0200
----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "--Alias--"
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Wed 16 Aug 2006 18:29:14 +0200 (16:29:14 GMT)
Subject: Undoing compact folders
If you don't compact your messages regularly, you will be back
here wanting to know how to recuperate all your messages because
they will all disappear. Space is not the issue.
Also, if you store your messages in any of the default folders
such as Sent Items or Inbox, you will be back here wanting to
know how to recuperate all your messages because they will all
I suggest you take a long look at these web sites and learn how
to maintain your Outlook Express properly:
----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Stan"
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Wed 16 Aug 2006 09:21:25 -0700 (16:21:25 GMT)
Subject: Undoing compact folders
For the last few weeks, everytime I would close Outlook Express,
I would get a pop up asking me whether I wanted to compact my
Folders. Space was never an issue so I would allways click no.
Yesterday I accidently clicked yes and all the folders got
compacted. I don't want my folders compacted. How can I undo
----- DATA LOSS REPORT No 1 (links are clickable) -----
From: "Lai Yee"
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...xpress.general
Sent: Wed 12 Jul 2006 19:46:01 -0700 (Thu 13 Jul 02:46:01 GMT)
Subject: Mails deleted after compacting folders
When I received a pop up message asking me to compact/compress
my folders, I clicked yes. After that, I noticed that outlook
express deleted most of my mails. Why is this so?
Lai Yee
----- DATA LOSS REPORT No 2 (links are clickable) -----
From: "CYY"
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Tue 25 Jul 2006 07:04:02 -0700 (14:04:02 GMT)
Subject: How to retrieve compacted messages-URGENT HELP
In my office, I sort my all inbox msg and save them by the
sender groups, for example APPLE, IBM and Microsoft. So the
folders will have both old and new msgs which I need to refer
for my daily work.
However over the last few months, my OE had compacted the msgs
twice. Within minutes, all the msgs in these folders were
compacted and I can't find them anywhere.
As I am a layman in IT Knowledge and do not know much about
applications, I sincerely seek for someone's help on the
following matters:-
- Where to find the compacted msg ?
- How to stop OE from compacting ?
- Can the compacted msg be retrieved and save somewhere in
Outlook Express ?
Thank you in advance for your attention and assistance
----- DATA LOSS REPORT No 3 (links are clickable) -----
From: "sstephy"
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...xpress.general
Sent: Mon 31 Jul 2006 21:10:02 -0700 (Tue 1 Aug 04:10:02 GMT)
Subject: O.E. Compacted messages are missing
A window popped up asking if I wanted to compact my mail
folders, I clicked yes, opened program today and all messages
are gone from my mail folders. The folders are still there, but
can someone tell me where my mail is and how to get it back into
my Outlook Express folders again?
I'm running Ver. 6.0 and WinXP SP2
Thanks, sstephy
----- DATA LOSS REPORT No 4 (links are clickable) -----
From: "Rick"
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...xpress.general
Sent: Wed 09 Aug 2006 13:22:04 GMT
Subject: Compacting - Losing emails???
When OE compacts, it deletes all the messages in my folders,
keeping only the last 90 days. I have lost over 5 years of
Can anyone help me recover those messaages?
Can anyone tell me what is going on???
Thanks in advance -
----- DATA LOSS REPORT No 5 (links are clickable) -----
From: "donna"
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Wed 16 Aug 2006 15:50:02 -0700 (22:50:02 GMT)
Subject: missing message after compacting files/how to restore
dbx file
All my messages from my Sent and Drafts folders were deleted - I
believe I may have interrupted the compacting process although
don't remember doing it. Doing a search, I have found the
folders in Documents & Settings and they are a pretty good size
so I think the message are there.
1. Can I get some specific instructions on how to restore all
the contents of these two folders back into the folders of the
same name in OE6.
2. Also if I have 1-2 brand new messages in these folders in OE6
now, do I need to remove them first?
3. Lastly, will the recent patch for XPSP2 regarding this
eliminate this problem in the future?
----- DATA LOSS REPORT No 6 (links are clickable) -----
From: "chathp"
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Sat 26 Aug 2006 23:06:01 -0700 (Sun 27 Aug 06:06:01 GMT)
Subject: Compacting Folders
I am the Administrator/Secretary of this company and I'm
handling all the important company emails through Outlook
I do not know the latest version of OE automatically compacts
folders on the 100th closing and opening of the program.
I cancelled the process thinking it was accidental and would
make the messages go to some unknown location, or
It is then that all the email messages for the year 2006 were
gone. (I still have the email messages from 2000-2005
How can I recover my messages from this horrible tragic
----- DATA LOSS REPORT No 7 (links are clickable) -----
From: "moorgain"
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
Sent: Mon 28 Aug 2006 15:44:01 -0700 (22:44:01 GMT)
Subject: Compacted OE files
Good morning Bruce
Hoping you can help a illiterate novice computer user. Obviously
there has been an upgrade because I have been getting a 'compact
your files' message popping up every time I touch my OE.
Unfortunately in a hurry the other day I clicked yes instead of
cancel and all the files I had been keeping the inmportant stuff
in have disappeared. Can you tell me in words of 1 syllable
where they have gone and how or if I can get them back
Thank you
----- DATA LOSS REPORT No 8 (links are clickable) -----
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...xpress.general
news://msnews.microsoft.com/11570669...legroups.co m
Sent: Thu 31 Aug 2006 16:29:59 -0700 (23:29:59 GMT)
Subject: Compacting Failed - Lost Messages
Outlook Express started compacting messages then locked up and
quit responding. Now about half my message folders are empty.
I suspect the lost data is still around somewhere. Any
suggestions on how I might locate it?
----- Stop forcing compaction (links are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin
Sent: Thu 27 Jul 2006 18:46:36 +0200 (16:46:36 GMT)
Subject: OE tries to force me compact messages
When I close Outlook Express, it asks me: