All-day events start at 12:00 AM
Open your claendar to the monthly view. Click customize current view, when
box (Customize: day/week/month)pops up click on reset current view. what was
causing mine to hang up was in the customize: day/week /month box under
fields I had start,start and it should be start,end to avoid the 12:00 am.
"Lawrence" wrote:
Every time I create and all-day event, it is given the start time of 12:00
am. How can I fix this?
Everyone in the office is stumped. Someone suggested there's a time-zone
problem. But all the time zone settings that I could find all read the same
time zone. And my notebook is not on a network, so there's no issue of
connecting to another machine with a different time zone.
What's going on? please help.