Thanks Michael
Nice piece of advice.
In fact I'm not a VBA developer (OK, I know a bit of programming, but not to
the point of writing a program from scratch).
I am more an infrastructure guy (Windows Server, Exchange Server).
If by chance, you have any code for that loop, I would be great. I'll be
able to modify it to suit my needs.
"Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]" wrote in message
Am Thu, 7 Sep 2006 22:48:00 +0200 schrieb Nicolas Macarez:
Nicolas, you need to loop through all contacts and edit each of the three
The 23rd byte of the EntryID indicates the format:
- 01: Let OL decide...
- 07: Plain text
- 00: RTF
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
-- --
Something went wrong (I don't know how) on my Microsoft Outlook 2003
patched with SP2 and fixes).
In my personal Address Books (3600 addresses), some contacts are wrong
the Internet Format which is "Send using Outlook Rich Text Format" and
should be "Let Outlook decide the best sending format".
Fortunately, not all the contacts are wrong this way.
Of course I can search and change any contact manually but since there
more than three thousand of them, I am looking for a script or some
to modifiy all the contact in one shot, in a programmatic way.
Any idea or place to search is welcomed.