If you have any saved MHT files on your hard drive, find one and right click
on it, select "Open With" vs. "Open" and scroll down the list to Internet
Explorer and select it and test it. If that works properly, repeat the
exercise and this time, put a check in the box at the bottom to "always use
the selected......" and that should fix it.
Jim Pickering, MVP, Outlook Express
Please deliver feedback to the newsgroup, so that others can be helped.
"Jonathan Goh" wrote in message
In IE6, my Save As Type: "Web Archive, Single File (*.mht)" option is
Could anyone share the steps how I could resolve it?
I have tried the suggestions in KB198061 and also considered
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Int ernet
and searched many emails and web sites for the solution, but nothing
Thank you,
Jonathan Goh